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Life story
June 17, 1933
Gladys Smith and Vernon Presley are married.
January 8, 1935
Gladys Presley of Tupelo, Mississippi gives birth to twin boys in a two-room "Shotgun" house built by her husband, Vernon, on Old Saltillo Road. The first, Jesse Garon, is stillborn. Elvis Aron Presley arrives 30 minutes later.
January 9, 1935
Jesse Garon Presley is buried at Priceville Cemetery in an unmarked grave. Jesse was stillborn, which may help explain why Elvis was especially cherished by his parents.
October 3, 1945
At the suggestion of Mrs. Grimes (teacher), Elvis is entered in the talent contest on ''Children's Day'' at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show, and  he makes his first public  appearance as a singer at the age of ten. Dressed in a cowboy suit and standing on a chair to reach the microphone, he sings Old Shep without accompaniment-winning second place, a five-dollar prize and a free ticket to all the rides.
January 6, 1946
Vernon and Elvis
January 6, 1946
Gladys and Elvis
January 8, 1946
Elvis is torn between wanting a bicycle or a .22 caliber rifle for his eleventh birthday. He gets a six-string guitar instead. Over the next year, Vernon Presley's brother Vester gives Elvis basic guitar lessons.
September 12, 1948
Vernon packs the family into their old car and heads for a better life in Memphis.
May 1, 1949
The Presley's move into a housing project, Lauderdale Courts, at 185 Winchester Avenue.
June 3, 1953
Majoring in Shop, History and English, Elvis graduates from Humes High at eighteen. The next day he takes a job at Parker Machinists Shop.
July 18, 1953
He goes to Sam Phillips' Memphis Recording Service to make an acetate record. He brings his guitar and accompanies himself singing My Happpiness and That's When Your Heartaches Begin. Marion Keisker makes history by turning on the studio tape machine when she hears him sing and she makes a note of his phone number and address to pass on to Sam.
July 5, 1954
Elvis, Scotty Moore and Bill Black meet at sun Studios in the morning to record several songs. Elvis is nervous and the session stalls without any really satisfactory takes. During a break, Elvis pics up his guitar and tries to get loose, riffing on a blues tune called That's All Right (Mama) by Arthur Crudup. Scotty picks up the beat and Bill joins in. Phillips overhears the jam session and knows in his gut he's found the sound he's looking for. They will later discover that they've cut Elvis' first hit. It will eventually sell 20,000 copies.
July 10, 1954

Phillips gives his friend, partner and local DJ, Dewey Phillips a disc of That's All Right (Mama) and Blue Moon of Kentucky to air on his Red, Hot and Blue radio show. Response is so strong that he plays the record at least fourteen times.

July 30, 1954
Elvis makes his first billed appearance on The Slim Whitman Show at Overton Park Shell. He is listed third.
September 4, 1954
Elvis is booked on the Grand Ole Opry. He travels to Nashville with Sam, Marion, Scotty and Bill. They sing on the Hank Snow segment.
October 16, 1954
Elvis does his first appearance on Louisiana Hayride. The show is broadcast live from the Municipal Auditorium on Radio KWKH in Shreveport. He, Scotty and Bill do That's All Right (Mama).
November 4, 1955
Colonel Parker and Sam Phillips work out a deal to sell Elvis' contract to raise cash for Phillips, and a bidding war begins. By the end of the month three major labels have made offers up to $25,000. RCA comes in with a bid of $35,000 plus a $5000 bonus to Elvis for back royalties owed him by Sun records. Parker is interested.
January 28, 1956
Elvis, Bill and Scotty make their national television debut on Jackie Gleason's Stage Show. Elvis sings I Got A Woman, Shake Rattle and Roll and Flip, Flop and Fly.
March 25, 1956
Elvis flies to Los Angels to meet with Hal B. Wallis, a producer for Paramount Pictures. In April Marks the beginning of Elvis' thirteen-year affair with Hollywood.
April 3, 1956
Elvis does The Milton Berle Show from the deck of the USS Hancock in San Diego. He sings several of his recent hits and does a skit with Berle.
May 11, 1956
Vernon, Gladys and Elvis move into the first home they have ever owned. It costs $40,000 and Elvis pays cash for it. Gladys is overwhelmed, they live there for almost a year, adding a swimming pool and cutomizing the interior. Fans were frequently seen gathering on the front lawn.
June 5, 1956

Elvis does his second Milton Berle Show, singing I Want You, I Need You, I Love You. The Hype is so strong that Berle's Neilsen ratings surpass CBC's popular Sergeant Bilko for the first time. June-13-Elvis' sexuality begins causing problems. NBC states that he will not ''bump and grind'' during his upcoming appearance on The Steve Allen Show in July.

July 1, 1956
Elvis appears on The Steve Allen Show, singing Hound Dog (to a basset).
September 5, 1956
Elvis surprises Gladys with a present: a custom pink Cadillac. The car will remain in the family till the end and is now on view at Graceland.
September 9, 1956
Elvis is in New York for his first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. The ratings go through the roof. An estimated 54 million people watch Elvis.
September 26, 1956
Elvis performs at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show in his hometown of Tupelo, Mississippi.
October 24, 1956
Elvis gets a letter from his local draft board concerning his draft status.
November 16, 1956
Love me Tender premieres at the Paramount in New York City.
December 4, 1956
The famous ''Million Dollar Quartet'' happens on this date--Elvis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis.
January 4, 1957
Elvis reports to Kennedy Veteran's Hospital for his pre-induction physical.
March 17, 1957
Elvis buys Graceland--his home for the next 20 years.
April 10, 1957
Gladys, Vernon And Elvis move into Graceland.
July 30, 1957
Loving You opens nationally to sold-out houses.
November 6, 1957
The movie Jailhouse Rock opends nationally.
January 20, 1958
Elvis is ordered to report to the induction center in downtown Memphis.
March 24, 1958

At 6:30 a.m., accompanied by his parents/family/friends, Elvis reports to the office of the local draft board. A little after 7:00, he boards a bus with other recruits to Kennedy Veteran's Hospital for his final physical and processing. Private Elvis Aaron Presley (#55310761) is put in charge of the other fourteen recruits.

March 25, 1958
On Elvis' first day as a soldier, he is awakened at 5:00 a.m., there is a frenzy of flashbulbs as James B. Peterson, now the most famous barber in America, trims off that famous ducktail.
June 1, 1958
Elvis completes basic training and is granted the traditional two weeks' leave before beginning school in tanks and armor.
June 18, 1958
Now that he's out of basic training, Elvis is free to seek housing off base. He finds a large house in Killeen, Texas, and is joined there by Gladys, Vernon and his grandma Minnie Mae ''Dogder".
July 2, 1958
King Creole opens nationally.
August 14, 1958
Elvis' beloved mom dies from a heart attack directly attributable to her acute hepatitis.
August 15, 1958

Gladys Presley's funeral.


''Should you go First"


Should you go first and I remain

To walk the road alone,

I'll live in memory's garden, dear,

With happy days we've known.


In spring I'll wait for roses red,

When fades the Lilac blue;

In early fall when brown leaves call,

I'll catch a glimpse of you.

September 12, 1958
Elvis completes his training and receives his orders: He's assigned to the 3rd Armored Division in West Germany as a tank gunner.
September 22, 1958
Elvis boards the USS General Randall and heads east, bound for Bremerhaven, West Germany.
October 5, 1958
Elvis, Vernon and Minnie move to 14, Goethestrasse.
November 27, 1958
Elvis is promoted to Private First Class.
November 1, 1959
Currie Grant introduces Elvis to fourteen year old Priscilla Ann Beaulieu. Elvis is smitten and pursues her with vigor.
March 1, 1960

The Armed Forces Radio Network broadcasts portions of a press conference at the base where Elvis recaps his time in the service and what Germany has meant to him.

March 2, 1960

Elvis and 79 other G.I.s board a military plane and head for McGuire AFB in New Jersey.


March 7, 1960
Elvis arrives in Memphis, steps off the train in full dress uniform, and thousands of fans go wild. He returns to Graceland and civilian life.
May 8, 1960
The Frank Sinatra Show airs. "Welcome home Elvis"
November 23, 1960
G.I. Blues opens nationally.
December 2, 1960
Elvis has become convinced that he and Priscilla are meant for each other and begins a campaign to get her over to Graceland.
December 22, 1960
Flaming Star opens nationally.
December 25, 1960
During this quite Christmas at Graceland, Elvis is clearly falling for Priscilla. Her original two-week stay turns into almost a month and she will reluctantly return to Germany in January.
February 25, 1961
The state of Tennessee and Governor Buford Ellington declare this ''Elvis Presley Day." The King is celebrated and honored as a true man of the South and a cultural resource to the state. Elvis uses the opportunity to raise money for charity.
March 25, 1961
Elvis arrives at Honolulu International Airport. After a press conference, he heads to Bloch Arena to perform in a benefit to hel build the memorial to the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor.
June 22, 1961

Wild in The Country opens nationally.

November 22, 1961
Blue Hawaii open nationally.
January 8, 1962
Back in Memphis for the rest of the month and February, celebrating his 27th Birthday with family and friends.
May 23, 1962
Follow That Dream opens nationally.
August 20, 1962
Elvis buys a Greyhound bus and has it customized to make the trip back and forth between Memphis and LA. A small apartment on wheels, with all the comforts of home and plenty of room for him and the boys, it's the latest addition to Elvis' bulging garage.
August 29, 1962
Kid Galahad opens nationally.
October 1, 1962
A milestone month in Elvis' life. After intense negotiations with her father, Priscilla joins Elvis at Graceland and finishes high school at Immaculate Conception High School in Memphis, with Elvis responsible for her education and her well-being.
November 21, 1962
Girls! Girls! Girls! opens nationally.
December 25, 1962
Elvis and Priscilla celebrate her first real Christmas at Graceland.
April 10, 1963
It Happened At The World's Fair opens nationally.
June 14, 1963
Priscilla graduates from Immaculate Conception.
September 1963
Elvis starts a football team, called E.P. Enterprises.
November 27, 1963
Fun In Acapulco opens nationally.
January 8, 1964
Elvis celebrates his 29th birthday at Graceland and Elvis' Christmas Album receives a gold record.
March 6, 1964
Kissin' Cousins opens nationally.
June 17, 1964
Viva Las Vegas poens nationally.
November 11, 1964
Roustabout opens nationally.
April 7, 1965
Girl Happy opens nationally.
April 24, 1965
The single of Crying In The Chapel begins a fourteen-week run on the charts, selling almost two million copies by December.
May 28, 1965
Tickle Me opens nationally.
August 15, 1965
Elvis visits the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor. The navy gives the group a personal tour and Elvis places wreaths at the base of the memorial. Elvis is presented an award to thank him for his work with the navy to preserve the Arizona.
October 9, 1965
Go-Karts become the designated new toy at Graceland. Elvis can be seen by onlookers racing about the grounds.
November 24, 1965
Harum Scarum opens nationally.
January 25, 1966
A local fan, Gary Pepper, collects several thousand names on a petition calling for the Memphis Coliseum to be renamed the Elvis Presley Coliseum.
March 30, 1966
Frankie and Johnny opens nationally.
June 9, 1966
Paradise, Hawaiian Style opens nationally.
November 23, 1966
Spinout opens nationally.
November 29, 1966
On their way back to Memphis from Los Angeles, Elvis and the gang stop out of town to wait for dark so the Christmas display and lighting at Graceland can be seen as they drive up.
December 25, 1966
Elvis announces his engagement to Priscilla in front of family and friends, presenting her with a large diamond engagement ring.
January 1967
Elvis decides everyone should have a horse. He buys seventeen, one for Priscilla, one for each member of his family and one for each memer of the inner circle. They are kept in the stables at Graceland and everybody rides the grounds, much to the delight of the fans who constantly surround his home.
February 9, 1967
With all the cars, tractors, go-karts, gof carts, motorcycles and the like, Graceland is becoming a little crowded, so Elvis decides to expand. He drives across the border into Mississippi, finds a 163 acre ranch near the town of Walls, and for about $300,000 becomes a gentleman rancher. He calls the place the Circle G, buys some prime stock and goes into the cattle business.
March 8, 1967
RCA releases the gospel album, How Great Thou Art.
March 22, 1967
Easy Come, Easy Go opens nationally.
April 5, 1967
Double Trouble opens nationally.
May 1, 1967
Elvis, Priscilla, and a small group fly out of Palm Springs in a rented jet for Las Vegas, arriving around 3:20 A.M., and the rest of the gang arrives later. Elvis, Priscilla and Joe go to the County Clerk's office by limo and get a marriage license, then pile back into the waiting limo and drive to the Aladdin Hotel, where they are married in a civil ceremony at 9:41 A.M. by a justice of the Nevada Supreme Court, David Zenoff. In attendance are best men, Joe Esposito and Marty Lacker, and the maid and matron of honor, Michelle Beaulieu and Joan Esposito. After the press conference is a lavish reception with a limited guest list. Priscilla and Elvis return to Palm Springs that afternoon to begin their honeymoon.
May 7, 1967
The Presleys buy their first home in LA. Until this point Elvis has only rented. The imposing home, in trousdale Estates.
May 29, 1967

Another wedding recption is held at Graceland mostly for the benefit of Grannie Minnie Presley, who was unable to come to Las Vegas, and other members of the family.

June 8, 1967
The staff at Graceland throws Priscilla a shower.
June 17, 1967
Elvis and Priscilla fly to Palm Springs.
July 13, 1967
The Presley family announces that Priscilla is expecting. The blessed event is scheduled for sometime in February 1968.
November 22, 1967
Clambake opens nationally.
February 1, 1968
Priscilla goes into labor in the early morning hours, and Charlie Hodge dreves her and Elvis to Baptist Memorial, arriving around 10:30 A.M. At 5:01 P.M. Priscilla gives birth to a baby girl, Lisa Marie Presley. She weighs six pounds, fourteen ounces and measures fifteen inches. Mother and daughter are both healthy and happy.
February 5, 1968
Priscilla and Lisa Marie are taken back to Graceland by the proud father.
March 8, 1968
Stay Away, Joe opens nationally.
April 6, 1968
Elvis and Priscilla catch Tom Jones' act at the Flamingo in Vegas, and hang out in Jones' suite after the show.
June 1968
Elvis and Priscilla return to Los Angeles, where plans are under way for his first TV special, Elvis, on NBC. Although the show will be taped, it will be performed in front of a live audience and as such will be Elvis' first public appearance in over ten years.
June 12, 1968
Speedway opens nationally.
June 27, 1968
Taping begins. Elvis does two one-hour sessions in front of a live audience. He's extremely nervous, but the response is strong.
June 30, 1968

The special finishes taping in Burbank. It has been a grueling and difficult experience, but one that will prove so satisfying that there'll be no turning back. Elvis has rediscovered something he really loves: live performance.

October 23, 1968

Live A Litte, Love A Little opens nationally.

December 3, 1968

The 68 Comback Special airs on NBC, with big ratings and favorable reviews. Elvis is euphoric..

December 25, 1968
Christmas at Graceland is especially lavish since it's little Lisa's first. Vernon dons a Santa suit and entertains his granddaughter.
January 13, 1969
At American Studios, Elvis does his first recording session in Memphis since his work at Sun with Sam Phillips in 1955.
February 26, 1969
In Las Vegas, history is being made by Colonel Parker and the manager of the as yet unfinished International Hotel. Elvis signs an agreement that will bring him back to Vegas for month-long engagements starting in July of 1969. It will mark the beginning of a series of record-setting tours and concerts that will run from now until Elvis' death in 1977.
March 13, 1969
Charro! opens nationally.
July 12, 1969
Elvis makes the cover of Rolling Stone. It's all part of the hype for his upcoming Vegas engagement.
July 26, 1969
Elvis opens at the International Hotel. After two dress rehearsals in the afternoon, he does a special show at 10 P.M. for an invited audience of celebs and press. With the house full of friends, the show goes nervously but well. Elvis is ready. He's come a long way, the shows are great, the King is back.
August 1, 1969
The public shows begin, and Elvis gets into the swing of daily performance. He'll do two shows a night, seven nights a week, the first at 8:15 (a dinner show), the second at midnight for drinks only. As always, the first two shows are sold out.
September 3, 1969
The Trouble With Girls opens nationally.
November 10, 1969
Change Of Habit opens nationally. It's one fo the straightest roles Elvis has played, and he's given credit for his ease and grace in the part. This will be his last movie role.
December 25, 1969
Christmas at Graceland. Lisa Marie is the center of attention and Vernon does a reprise as Santa.
January 26, 1970
The month-long engagement opens to another star-studded audience. As will become the norm, there is one show on opening night followed by a reception. The show goes well and the crowd is enthusiastic.
February 23, 1970
Elvis closes in Vegas, with the final performance highlighted by Priscilla's appearance on stage at the end.
February 28, 1970
Elvis does two more shows at the Astrodome in Houston, both without a hitch. The attendace breaks records.
July 5, 1970
Elvis heads for LA and rehearsal for his August engagement at the International Hotel. Film crews from MGM shoot the rehearsals to use in his next movie, a performance film called Elvis-That's The Way It Is.
November 11, 1970
Elvis-That's The Way It Is opens nationally.
December 21, 1970
Elvis meets President Richard Nixon.
January 9, 1971
Elvis is on the national list of the Jaycees' "Top Ten Young Men Of The Year," and on the 16th he accepts the Jaycee award in person, the first time he has actually attended an awards ceremony in his honor.

"When I was a child, ladies and gentleman, I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was a hero in the movie. So every dream that I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times. I learned very early in life that without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain't got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend; without a song. So I keep singing a song. Goodnight, Thank You''.
May 1, 1971
Mr. and Mrs. Presley celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary at the International in Vegas.
June 1, 1971
The East Heights Garden Club of Tuppelo, Mississippi has finished the restoration of Elvis' birthplace on Old Saltillo Road and opened it to the public.
June 10, 1971
After months of debate, the city of Memphis finally finds something to name after Elvis: The stretch of Highway 51 from the Memphis city limits to the Mississippi border will be called Elvis Presley Boulevard.
August 28, 1971

Between shows, Elvis is presented with ''The Bing Crosby Award,'' recognizing excellence in music and contribution to the culture.

September 10, 1971

Elvis treats himself to a Stutz Blackhawk Coupe.

January 8, 1972
Elvis celebrates his birthday by announcing that Priscilla has decided to move into her own place in Los Angeles. Lisa Marie is with her. It's clear to everyone that things don't look good.
February 23, 1972
Before Elvis closes in Vegas on his date, Priscilla has informed him that she intends to file for divorce.
April 5, 1972
Elvis begins another concert tour begining in Memorial Auditorium in Buffafo..from this date til June 20th Elvis tours the USA.
June 9, 1972
All four concerts at Madison Square Garden are sellouts, with 80,000 paid admissions. Elvis is the first act to sell out the Garden four times in a row. RCA tapes the shows to use on a live album, Elvis Live At Madison Square Garden.
July 5, 1972
At a late-night movie marathon in the Memphian Theater, Elvis is introduced to Linda Thompson by George Klein, a mutual friend.
July 27, 1972
In California, Priscilla files for a formal separation from Elvis. She will have custody of Lisa Marie, but he will have unlimited vistation rights.
August 4, 1972
Elvis Live At Madison Square Garden has gone gold.
August 18, 1972
Elvis files for divorce in Los Angeles. The cause is listed as ''irreconcilable differences.'' Priscilla does not contest.
November 1, 1972
Elvis On Tour opens nationally.
November 20, 1972

At a press conference at Hawaiian Village, plans for an upcoming television benefit concert in Honolulu are revealed.

December 25, 1972
Lisa Marie spends Christmas with Elvis at Graceland.
January 8, 1973
Elvis spends his 38th birthday in Los Angeles.
January 9, 1973
Elvis and his entourage fly to Honolulu for rehearsal. Cameras follow him everywhere, and the footage will be used during the concert.
January 14, 1973
The concert, beginning at 12:30 A.M., is sent by satellite around the world. Elvis is once again at the center of a moment in history. With one billion people estimated to be watching, the show is a smash and its benefit-for a local cancer fund-exceeds its expected goal by $50,000.
February 24, 1973
Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite hits the charts, where it will remain for 35 weeks, peaking at #1.
April 4, 1973
Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite is broadcast by NBC.
May 4, 1973
Elvis opens in Lake Tahoe.
July 3, 1973
Omni, Atlanta-over 17,000 attend the final concert of the Southern tour.
July 21, 1973
At Stax Studios, Memphis, Elvis comes in to cut some tunes for future albums. The results: Find Out What's Happening, For Ol' Times Sake, I've Got A Thing About You Baby, If You Don't Come Back, Raised On Rock, Take Good Care Of Her and Three Corn Patches.
September 30, 1973
The Hilton announces that a new contract keeping Elvis in the International Room has been completed. Elvis will be there until at least 1975, but will perform separate two-week chunks rather than the usual four in a row.
October 9, 1973
The settlement for Priscilla is ironed out and the divorce is finalized in Los Angeles. Elvis is present at the hearing and they exit the courtroom together. The agreement is generous and they will share custody of Lisa Marie.
December 16, 1973
Lisa Marie arrives in Memphis to spend part of her holiday with Elvis.
January 12, 1974
Elvis flies to Los Angeles and prepares for his winter gig in Las Vegas.
March 1, 1974
The spring tour begins in Tulsa at Oral Roberts University, where 11,000 fans fill the auditorium for two nights.
March 20, 1974
Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis-12,300 pay to see the last stop on the tour. RCA is there to record the show and will release an album called Elvis Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis. For once Elvis is home when a tour ends, and he goes to Graceland that night, remaining there through the month of April.
May 26, 1974
Elvis officially closes at the Sahara. The demand is so strong, however, that he will add a show on the 27th for the fans who have been turned away.
June 15, 1974
After a very short break, Elvis starts a swing of the southland starting in Forth Worth. 56,000 people see four shows at the Tarrant County Convention Center over two days.
June 19, 1974
Civic Center, Amarillo Texas-14,000 show up.
June 22, 1974
Civic Center, Providence, Rhode Island-26,226 for two shows.
June 23, 1974
Spectrum, Philadelphia-40,000 total for two shows.
June 24, 1974
International Convention Center, Niagara Falls-18,000 watch two shows.
June 25, 1974
St. John's Arena Columbus-14,000 catch the show.
June 26, 1974
Freedom Hall, Louiseville-20,000 for an evening show.
June 28, 1974
Milwaukee Arena, Milwaukee-11,800 fill the house.
June 29, 1974
Municipal Auditorium, Kansis City, Missouri-20,800 for two shows.
June 30, 1974
Civic Auditorium Arena, Omaha-20,557 see two shows.
July 2, 1974
Salt Palace, Salt Lake City-13,000 fans show up for the final show of the tour, after which Elvis returns to Memphis.
August 12, 1974
Elvis opens in Vegas looking great. He also changed the act, with a new opening and more new songs.
August 29, 1974
In a presentation on stage during the early show, Elvis is awarded his eighth-degree black belt. He is dressed in full Karate garb and demonstrates his skills during the performance.
September 3, 1974
Elvis catches Tom Jones' show and comes up on stage during the final number, whipping through a karate routine while Hones sings. They get a standing ovation.
September 27, 1974
His fourth tour of 1974 will begin in Baltimore at College Field House with 15,000 fans attending.
October 8, 1974
Convention Center, San Antonio-10,500 tickets sold.
October 9, 1974
Expo Center, Abilene-8,604 fans attend.
December 15, 1974
Elvis is in Memphis getting ready for the holidays. He gives his usual donations to local charities, the number of which is growing every year.
January 8, 1975
Elvis celebrates his 40th birthday at a very small and very private dinner party at Graceland.
January 21, 1975
Elvis has his eye on a Boeing 707. He bids $1.5 million and puts down a $75,000 deposit.
March 1, 1975
Elvis wins his third Grammy for How Great Thou Art.
March 18, 1975
Elvis opens at the newly refurbished and enlarged Hilton in Las Vegas for a two-week engagement.
April 1, 1975
Elvis closes in Vegas. The early show is a special occasion to celebrate the opening of the new wing of the hotel.
April 24, 1975
The first stop on the spring tour is Macon, Georgia at the Coliseum, where 10,242 fans show up to watch.
April 26, 1975
Curtis-Hixon Auditorium, Tampa-15,000 for two shows.
April 30, 1975
Omni, Atlanta-51,684 paid for three concerts in three days.
May 3, 1975
Civic Center, Monroe, Louisiana-16,000 file in.
May 4, 1975
Civic Center, Lake Charles, Louisiana-20,000 for two shows.
May 5, 1975
State Fair Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi-10,242 pop for a benefit that nets  over $100,000 to help tornado victims.
May 6, 1975
Murphy Athletic Center, Murfreesboro-12,000 attend two shows, with the final night as the last show of the tour. Elvis returns to Memphis and will hang out there for the rest of the month.
May 30, 1975
The second leg of the tour begins in Huntsville, Alabama at the Von Braun Civic Center, where 40,000 attend five shows in three days.
June 4, 1975
Hofheinz Pavilion, Houston-24,000 at two shows in two days.
June 8, 1975
State Fair Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi-22,000 at two concerts in two days.
June 10, 1975
Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis-12,367 screaming fans bring Elvis to the end of the tour.
June 11, 1975
Elvis finally gets his own plane. It's a Convair 880 jet on which he spends $750,000 remodeling and calls it the Lisa Marie.
July 4, 1975
Lisa Marie arrives at Graceland for the 4th of July.
July 8, 1975
Elvis begins the third tour of 1975. First stop: Myriad Convention Center in Oklahoma City, with 15,291 attendin.
July 24, 1975
Civic Center, Asheville, North Carolina-7,437 it's the last concert of the tour.
August 18, 1975
Elvis opens in Las Vegas for a two-week run.
October 5, 1975
Elvis buys some three-wheel motorcycle and speeds around Memphis.
November 27, 1975
Elvis returns to Las Vegas on his recently finished private plane, the Lisa Marie.
December 31, 1975
Elvis and his crew leave for Pontiac. He's in top form and the fans are wild and crazy. The show sells 62,500 tickets and earns $816,000, believed to be the all-time record at the time for a single performer on a single night.
January 5, 1976
Elvis and the gang fly to Denver, where Elvis rents snow-mobiles for some terrifying midnight rides down the slopes.
January 19, 1976
RCA releases Elvis-A Legendary Performer.
February 2, 1976
RCA brings mobile recording equipment to Graceland and sets up a studio in the den. Elvis wills spend the next six days recording in all night sessions: Bitter They Are Harder They Fall, Blue Eyes Cryin' In The Rain, Danny Boy, For The Heart, Hurt, I'll Never Fall In Love Again, Love Comin' Down, Moody Blue, Never Again, She Still Thinks I Care, Solitaire and The Last Farewell.
March 17, 1976
The first tour of the year starts in Johnson City, Tennessee where 21,000 fans fill Freedom Hall to see Elvis do three shows in three days.
March 26, 1976
Back in Memphis, Elvis spots a traffic accident, pulls over, gets out of his car, walks to the scene of the accident and offers the stunned participants any help they need.
April 21, 1976
The second tour begins in Kansas City at the Kemper Arena-with attendance over 17,600.
April 27, 1976
Final stop on the tour is the Coliseum in Spokane, Washington. Attendance is a sold-out 7,500.
April 30, 1976
Elvis opens in Lake Tahoe at the Sahara. He will perform one show a night except on weekends through May 9th.
May 27, 1976
The show goes out on the road again. First stop is the Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Indiana-with 16,000 fans jammed to the rafters.
May 30, 1976
Ector Coliseum, Odessa, Texas-16,000 attend two shows.
May 31, 1976
Municipal  Coliseum, Lubbock-9,600 tickets sold.
June 5, 1976
From Elvis Presley Boulevard hits the charts, where it will remain for seventeen weeks.
June 6, 1976
After the final show at the Omni, Elvis returns to Memphis, where he will rest a couple of weeks before starting up again.
June 25, 1976
The fourth tour starts in Buffalo at the Memorial Auditorium, where 17,500 flock to see him.
July 5, 1976
Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis-11,999 hometown fans welcome the King home on his final stop of the tour.
July 23, 1976
Elvis starts the fifth leg of the '76 tour in Louisville, Kentucky, where 19,400 show up to see the King.
August 3, 1976
Cumberland County Memorial Auditorium, Fayetteville-21,000 attend three shows in three days. It's the final stop on this leg. Elvis returns to Memphis after the show.
August 21, 1976
RCA announces that Elvis has sold more than 400 million records.
August 27, 1976
The sixth leg begins at the Convention Center in San Antonio. 11,000 fans gather for the big event.
September 7, 1976
Convention Center, Pine Bluff, Arkansas-15,000 fill the house for two shows in this final stop on the tour. Elvis returns to Memphis.
October 14, 1976
Elvis begins yet another leg of the '76 tour. At Chicago Stadium in the Windy City, 38,000 attend two shows over two nights.
October 27, 1976
Southern Illinois University Arena is sold out for the final stop on this leg of the tour. Elvis returns to Memphis.
October 30, 1976
Elvis leaves for Aspen without Linda. In his absence, she leaves and ends the relationship.
November 24, 1976
Elvis begins another tour, starting out at the Centennial Coliseum in Reno.
November 30, 1976
The six-day tour ends at the Anaheim Convention Center before a huge crowd of 55,000 fans. Then Elvis flies to Las Vegas to open at the Hilton.
December 2, 1976
Elvis opens in Vegas. During this engagement, Elvis meets the beautiful Ginger Alden.
December 25, 1976
Christmas at Graceland. Elvis gives Lisa Marie a golf cart of her own to ride around the grounds.
December 27, 1976
The last tour of 1976 begins in Witchita Falls, Texas with 10,000 attending.
December 31, 1976
Civic Center Arena, Pittsburgh-16,049 welcome 1977 with Elvis. Ginger, Vernon and Lisa Marie are there to ring in the New will be his last.
January 3, 1977
Elvis attends the funeral of Ginger's grandfather in Harrison, Arkansas.
January 8, 1977
Elvis' 42nd birthday.
January 26, 1977
Elvis gives Ginger a beautiful engagement ring. They plan to marry over the Christmas holidays.
February 12, 1977
Elvis starts his first tour of the year in Hollywood, Florida, with 15,500 attending.
March 4, 1977
Elvis heads to Honolulu for some rest and relaxation with Ginger & friends.
March 23, 1977
The second leg of the tour opens in Phoenix, with 14,047 attending.
April 23, 1977
Toledo, Ohio-9,322 attending.
May 1, 1977
For the remainder of the month, Elvis is seen riding around Memphis.
May 20, 1977
Knoxville-13,000 attending.
June 2, 1977
Mobile, Alabama-10,000 attending.
June 26, 1977
Elvis leaves Memphis for Indianapolis followed by film crew from CBS. Strong and remarkable performance at the Market Square Arena for 18,000 adoring fans. Sadly, this will be Elvis' last performance.
July 1, 1977
Elvis spends time with Lisa Marie she in Memphis for her regular summer visit.
August 8, 1977
Elvis rents Libertyland Amusement Park to celebrate Lisa Marie's arrival. The next couple of days Elvis, Lisa & Ginger also enjoy local movie theather for all night movie sessions.
August 16, 1977
Elvis Aaron Presley..dies at the young age of 42 at his beloved Graceland in Memphis, gone too soon. He was/is a legend and he will always be missed by miilions of fans around the world.

Elvis Aaron Presley

January 8, 1935
August 16, 1977

Son of
Vernon Elvis Presley
and Gladys Love Presley

Father of
Lisa Marie Presley

He was a precious gift from God
We cherished and loved dearly.

He had a God-given talent that he shared
With the world. And without a doubt,

He became most widely acclaimed;
Capturing the hearts of young and old alike.

He was admired not only as an entertainer,
But as the great humanitarian that he was;
For his generosity, and his kind feelings
For his fellow man.

He revolutionized the field of music and
Received its highest awards.

He became a living legend in his own time;
Earning the respect and love of millions.

God saw that he needed some rest and
Called him home to be with Him.

We miss you, Son and Daddy. I thank god
That He gave us you as our son.

By: Vernon Presley

August 16, 1977
Passed away on August 16, 1977.